I hate to draw readers' attention to Jeff Jacoby but his column about Eric Holder today is so full of bull... Distortion #1 - Holder did not say we are a nation of cowards. He said we're a nation of cowards when it comes to dealing with … [Read more...]
Recipe for Good Race Discussion: What Eric Holder Left Out
Although frank talk on race calls for structured dialogue, lest anyone think "structured" means "straightjacketed," it's quite the contrary. Once you've agreed to ground rules for respectful dialogue, it actually frees people up to say … [Read more...]
Race Dialogue in Boston starts March 26
City-Wide Dialogues on Boston's Ethnic & Racial Diversity Spring Dialogue Series Starting 3/26/08 Barack Obama talked to us honestly about race. Boston residents can do the same next week with fellow residents at a new dialogue series … [Read more...]