That Obama fellow needs to find his guts. He left them somewhere during the campaign...likely in his deep chest of ambition.He was to be our strong defender of LGBT rights and civil rights more generally. He has failed through both … [Read more...]
Senator Kerry Requests Asylum for Brazilian Husband of Massachusetts Man
Related: Washington Post Editorial calls for passage of UAFA. Cross-posted at Pam's House Blend. … [Read more...]
Federal DOMA to face challenge
Of course it's pretty self evident that DOMA discriminates. Of course discrimination by itself isn't wrong... its only wrong when based on 'wrong' criteria (I discriminate based on party affiliation all the time in the voting booth). … [Read more...]
LGBT Rights Protest
On November 4th 2008, with the election of Barack Obama and the passage of Proposition 8, a new LGBT civil rights movement was born. Election Day sparked a fire that has spread across the country. It is clear that a new push for LGBT … [Read more...]
One Human Family – or why overturning Prop 8 matters [in the form of poetry]
ONE FAMILY Children of One Family, Blessed by Eternal Love Living in the Many Mansions built beyond Time Sheltered by timeless Love, Warmed by the Spirit Taught eternal truths, beyond the dogmas of mankind. Children of one family, … [Read more...]
DOMA Question for the Lawyers
Oh, and while I have your attention, don't forget to click the Equality for ALL badge and help defeat the California anti-equality marriage amendment. … [Read more...]
Time to revoke DOMA – in Manchester today with John Edwards
Further, Edwards stated that any civil union or gay marriage should receive, and is entitled to receive all the "1100" protections that married couples receive under federal law. He did go on to say that while he fully supports civil … [Read more...]
RI Dems introduce DOMA bill
Something is seriously wrong with RI Dems. Five Dem Representatives, William San Bento (N. Prov/Pawtucket), Arthur Corvese (N. Prov), Peter Palumbo (Cranston), Jon Brien (Woonsocket), and Helio Melo (E. Prov) introduced HB 6159 … [Read more...]