It is time for a new Commissioner of Social Services. Eileen McNamara of the Globe has it exactly right when she says:That kind of resignation might be understandable from a weary commissioner now serving under his third governor, but … [Read more...]
ANOTHER DEAD CHILD – How could it happen AGAIN – the DSS statutes have a big black hole
Thus, the failure of either G.L. c. 210 Sec. 3 or any other portion of the child welfare statute to define "best interests" and what the Department of Social Services is supposed to DO to protect children is what, in … [Read more...]
Governor Patrick’s first Podcast (of the WTKK call-in show)
Actually, you can even click on a link which will e-mail questions to be asked of the Governor at the next Podcast.I happened to focus on the question about DSS because my opinion is that DSS is out of control, and that the combination of … [Read more...]
Why can’t haleigh’s grandmother visit her?
I attended the last hearing of the House Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect yesterday. So did Haleigh Poutre's grandmother. I listened to Sandra L. Sudyka talk about Haleigh eating scrambled eggs, writing her name, and … [Read more...]
It’s about time for DSS to step up
The Child Welfare League of America recommends no more than 12 active investigations per month per social worker, 17 cases if they are ongoing cases per social worker, and no more than one new case assigned for every six open cases. It also … [Read more...]
Not a Merry Christmas for Haleigh
This update on the Haleigh Poutre case shows both the power of the Department of Social Services (DSS), and the "we never admit we are wrong" DSS culture AND how little the courts can do to rein in DSS. Alison Avrett gave up custody … [Read more...]
Report on DSS- Haleigh Poutre Case
Uhhhh? DSS "MAY HAVE" put a child in harms way? … [Read more...]