sco and Below Boston both say this is must-see video; therefore it is must-see video. Full stop.sco's partial transcript:I wish I could tell you that Democrats around the country understand precinct based organizing, but you know they … [Read more...]
Dukakis pounds the pavement
How cool is this? Mike Dukakis practices what he preaches: he's the block captain for his neighborhood in Brookline:The would-be leader of the free world and three-term Massachusetts governor, who has been a relentless voice calling on … [Read more...]
Michael Dukakis and Romney’s slime campaign
Remember those horrible mailings? I was helping Ed Augustusrun for the Senate in Worcester County, and the ugly mailings the state was sending on behalf of Robi Blute.Remember the mailing targeting Karen Spilka; It was a "slime-fest" … [Read more...]
Dukakis: “David’s not crazy after all!”
Well, not in so many words. But you may recall that a few months ago, when the illegal immigration debate was particularly hot around here, I floated raising the minimum wage - and then really enforcing it - as a way of stemming … [Read more...]
Dem muckety-mucks want a clean fight — wherefore raillery?
MassDems chair Phil Johnston, Mike Dukakis, Cam Kerry and former State Sen. candidate Katherine Clark have signed on as referees for the 15-round primary fight this summer:``I believe the party has a real responsibility to do what it can to … [Read more...]
Duke rages the stage at MassINC event
The influential think-tank MassINC had an event at Faneuil Hall today, inviting former governors to talk about "achieving the American Dream in Massachusetts." Lot of familiar faces from MA politics and media, which can lead to some strange … [Read more...]
Dukakis on Patrick
I got a chance last night to hear Michael Dukakis speak at the Natick Champions event. Very energetic speaker; the event was a blast.Afterwards, a couple of us got a very brief chance to talk with him, and somebody asked him what he thought … [Read more...]