I just received a letter disclosing an outrageous (not to say obscene) aspect of the No Child Left Behind education reform law. Our high school principal wrote to inform us that a provision of NCLB requires high schools "to provide … [Read more...]
Will Public Education determine the election outcome?
Pablo put up a very interesting post that led to a good discussion of federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and state Ed Reform. My response to a good comment on that thread by Publius got so long that I decided I better create new post … [Read more...]
Deval’s Vision of Hope for Education
It's fair to say that after our recreational governors, many schools in Massachusetts need help. Some buildings need repair or replacement, many children need early education and full-day kindergarten, and our public higher education … [Read more...]
Tom Reilly’s Education Plan
Since the mainstream media has zero interest in the candidates' public policy positions, here is the latest installment in Tom Reilly's Massachusetts Action Plan: The "Never Give Up On a Child" education plan.I was away over the weekend, … [Read more...]
Gabrieli with Natalie Jacobsen
the school day by 2 additional hours. Natalie brought up Gabrilei's parents'immigrant backround. Gabrieli stated that there is a diffrence between legal and illegal immigrants and that this difference should be recognized. … [Read more...]
“Liveblogging” the DemGuv debate
Sahl: Exclude certain hospitals since they're expensive?Gab: Use community health centers and hospitals.[No discussion of bulk-purchasing of drugs. Tough one, and needs to be done.]Question on education from Keough(?)Reilly: Improve public … [Read more...]
Pushing the candidates on MCAS
My question to all three Democratic gubenatorial candidates (and their supporters) is this: What will you do to push back against the trend? Can we count on you to move towards minimizing the negative impacts of MCAS, and to help … [Read more...]
Another teachers’ union for Patrick
The American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts (until recently known as the Mass. Federation of Teachers) has voted to endorse Deval Patrick for Governor. This endorsement follows yesterday's announcement by the Boston Teachers' … [Read more...]
Mid-week backblog
'Round the horn we go ...Remember that pesky personal mandate? Greater Boston Interfaith Organization has been doing some listening sessions with not-so-wealthy folks who are likely to be hit with the "buy health insurance or else" part of … [Read more...]
An Investment In Our Future
But back to the Murrayâs plan of action. He comes right out and says something that I truly believe in, âAs a Commonwealth, the state must invest in our childrenâs education.â The idea that our increased funding for education is an … [Read more...]