For the third time in the last six months, southeastern Massachusetts voters delivered a major victory for clean energy yesterday. Wind turbine supporter Peter DeTerra won in a landslide over wind opponent John Wethington in the Fairhaven … [Read more...]
New Study: No Evidence Wind Turbines Affect Home Values
Wind turbine opponents do not like looking at wind turbines. But in the face of strong public support for non-polluting, locally-produced clean energy, that's not an effective argument, so they make outrageous claims about health impacts … [Read more...]
Vote Peter DeTerra for Fairhaven Board of Health on September 9th
If you live in Fairhaven, you should vote for Peter DeTerra for Board of Health on Monday September 9th. Read Peter's candidate profile in the New Bedford Standard-Times, along with endorsements by Fairhaven residents Alfred … [Read more...]
Bending to Wind Hypochondriacs Brings Fairhaven’s Democracy to Breaking Point
There's a new victim of Fairhaven's elected officials since their decision to let wind hypochondriacs call the shots: Democracy. As those officials have felt more heat from ordinary clean energy-supporting citizens, they've started abusing … [Read more...]
Wind Hypochondriac Takeover of Fairhaven Now Complete
Fairhaven has now joined Falmouth in having its government being taken over by wind hypochondriacs: The Fairhaven Board of Health voted unanimously to shut down the town's two wind turbines between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. beginning tonight. The … [Read more...]
Two More Studies Show “Wind Turbine Syndrome” Caused by Anti-Wind Groups
The biggest factor in whether you say wind turbines make you sick is someone telling you wind turbines will make you sick. That's the result of two new studies on so-called "wind turbine syndrome," reports DeSmogBlog's Graham … [Read more...]
Shocking: Proposal to Limit Wind Energy Fails to Appease Fairhaven’s Wind Opponents
Two new Fairhaven wind turbines have been menacing 2nd Amendment rights forcing people to gay marry quietly collecting free electricity, saving the town $45,000 in just their first three months of operation. Despite a NIMBY group called … [Read more...]
Will GOP Let Petty Politics Kill Clean Energy Jobs?
The New Bedford Standard Times today calls on Congress to extend incentives for wind energy: The tax credit works by giving wind farm owners 2.2 cents for every kilowatt-hour of power they produce. It is expected to cost the federal … [Read more...]
Wind Energy Opponents Pre-Reject Results of Test They Demanded
Just as sound tests prepare to begin on two wind turbines in Fairhaven, opponents have announced - before the test has even happened - that they won't be appeased no matter what the test results show. If the sound results come back normal, … [Read more...]
Obama Now! sign in Fairhaven
Just wanted to spread the word around the state about an incredible artistic sign in Fairhaven for Obama. It is 40 ft long sign done by local artists in the front yard on Route 6. Check out this website to see video of it going up and … [Read more...]