"It's the equivalent of a gigantic credit card debt which grows and grows the longer it is ignored," said Michael J. Widmer. This is par for the course from the Globe and the Masters of Beacon Hill, who can only roll their eyes at this … [Read more...]
Increasing Transparency in Higher Education
These provisions would be in addition to the current filing requirements made to the attorney general. As we learned from the financial meltdown, self-regulation simply doesn't work. Accountability and transparency are vital to good … [Read more...]
I would like to convey my extreme disappointment about the recent decision by the Dartmouth Finance Committee to NOT recommend the Dartmouth Democratic Town Committee's BY-LAW that would mandate all USA, STATE,POW AND TOWN FLAGS purchased … [Read more...]
Boston Got Madoff’d
Did anyone catch this little tidbit from Boston.com? Apparently the "Deputy Collector's office", to whom I would periodically refer taxpayers when I was working at Assessing, may have been run by a complete crook who stole $2.7 million from … [Read more...]
Raising the Bar on Financial Pros
Cross-post note: This appears also at Marry in Massachusetts.The truth is, hardly any of us know enough and have the time to devote to making larger financial decisions. Rather, our minds want and our hearts need to trust that:Those making … [Read more...]
Letter for more financial transparency to Boston elected officials
January 9, 2009 Dear Boston Elected Officials: With the recent ethics scandals afflicting our local politicians, transparency and openness in government are getting renewed interest. Since the government is an extension of its citizens and … [Read more...]
Dennis Rosa (D) State Representative 4th Worcester District
Ten months ago I predicted that finances and the economy would be the predominant issues of this campaign for State Representative of the Fourth Worcester District. My campaign has been on target since day one. I believe that we need to … [Read more...]
Recoup, re-regulate, and stimulate: Benchmarking the bailout
Recoup--Build in the mechanisms whereby taxpayers are made whole. Sen. Reed's proposal to buy equity as well as junk is the simplest way to do this but other means to this end are possible. While we're at it, restore Clinton-era tax rates … [Read more...]
Authorization For The Use of Financial Force
That's what Krugman calls this deal from Treasury Secretary Paulson to give the Treasury Secretary total authorization to hand out $700 Billion taxpayer dollars. And economist Brad DeLong points out: John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his … [Read more...]
The Arrogance!
The arrogance of these directors! As the Lehman Brothers debacle showed, the Fed was not rescuing AIG because AIG "deserved" to be rescued. The Fed was rescuing AIG--exercising its powers under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act for … [Read more...]