This November 2001 report by Dan Rea encapsulated what tomorrow's today's hearing IS about. The hearing will be Web cast by Suffolk University Law School.In other words, it is about our fundamental right to a fair trial. No more and no … [Read more...]
My First Foray Into the Land of Kos
I made my first post to the Daily Kos this morning. Check it out at "Younger Rehnquist Seeks Justice for Innocent Inmate". Go give it some juice if you see fit. As many of you know, the SJC will be hearing Commonwealth v. Benjamin LaGuer on … [Read more...]
DNA Expert Goes On The Air
DNA expert Dr. Theodore Kessis of Applied DNA Resources in Columbus, Ohio talked about the Ben LaGuer case on Boston radio this morning. He was a guest on the program hosted by Minister Don Muhammad, who also happens to have been on the … [Read more...]
Very Disappointing Globe Article
Just when I thought the Boston Globe was going to let its excellent criminal justice reporter take a hard look at the LaGuer case, it turns out that they are more interested in perpetuating the political circus Kerry Healey set in motion … [Read more...]
MetroWest Daily News Prints My LaGuer Editorial
Without Further ado:Goldscheider: What's at stake in Commonwealth vs. LaGuerSaturday, December 30, 2006Next Thursday, a couple of hours before the new governor gets sworn in, the Supreme Judicial Court will hear a challenge to Benjamin … [Read more...]
AP’s David Weber Does Advance on LaGuer’s SJC Bid
An AP story on Ben LaGuer's upcoming SJC hearing just hit the wire. It is a decent, pretty well balanced account of where things are at. The one bone I'd pick has to do with the DNA test widely assumed to seal LaGuer's guilt.His relentless … [Read more...]
Year End Thoughts on William Styron & Ben LaGuer
Much happened in LaGuer's life since that letter was written, including a 2002 DNA test which seemed to place LaGuer at the scene of the rape he steadfastly denies committing. When I started looking into that DNA test I found that it was … [Read more...]
As many of you know Ben LaGuer's case is going to oral arguments in the SJC on January 4. For 23 years he has been claiming his innocence of a vicious rape. I have been posting to BMG about the case since last June. The case and the current … [Read more...]
Amicus Brief in LaGuer Case Illuminates Dangers of Hiding Exculpatory Evidence
The Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) filed an amicus brief with the SJC last week in support of Benjamin LaGuer's bid for a new trial. You can read the entire brief HERE. It and all the recent filings in the case are available … [Read more...]
Rehnquist’s LaGuer Brief Rocks
On the 2002 DNA test which supposedly linked LaGuer to the crime Rehnquist has this to say:Beyond its reliance of numerous misstatements and mischaracterizations, the Commonwealth tries to justify its suppression of exculpatory evidence by … [Read more...]