LaGuer was indicted in August 1983 after the lead detective made blatantly false statements to the grand jury, including that the victim identified LaGuer by name. Private investigators identified a "likelier suspect" … [Read more...]
Herald’s Dave Wedge does a good job
No, I don't particularly care to re-hash more Ben LaGuer stuff, but the Herald's Dave Wedge does what should have been done by any number of media outlets weeks ago: Present the simple facts of the current status of LaGuer's case:The … [Read more...]
Will Dave Wedge do the Right Thing?
It's always an interesting experience when the phone rings and it's The Herald's Dave Wedge on the other end. He wanted to know how I thought the politicization of the LaGuer case would affect the legal case currently in the SJC. I said … [Read more...]
Ben LaGuer on YouTube (News Report of the “Spic” Remark)
Now that the white hot politicization of the Ben LaGuer case is subsiding it is worth taking some time to look at what it was that got so many highpowerd people involved back in the 1990s. I have studied the case and developed a level of … [Read more...]
Romney’s Stinky Judicial Nominee Set For Confirmation
The risks attached to Lemire have to do with the fact that his conduct as a prosecutor will be part of an SJC hearing in December. I am referring to the Benjamin LaGuer case in which it turns out the commonwealth (who Lemire represented as … [Read more...]
Mazzarella Slammed on Shilling for Healey
Here's another thing I love about the Internet: Comment links at the bottom of Newspaper articles.The Sentinel and Enterprise of Fitchburg and Leominster ran a story on the much hyped but little documented relationship between Deval Patrick … [Read more...]
Dean Mazzarella’s Postshot at LaGuer/Patrick Connection. (some context)
Testimonials Compiled and EditedBy Benjamin LaGuerWhen Benjamin LaGuer was sentenced in 1984 to life in prison for raping a Leominster neighbor, the jury ruled without a shred of physical evidence linking him to the crime, Boston Globe … [Read more...]
Stealth Maneuver in Election’s Shadow (action alert)
Consider this a public service announcement: Don't approve Lemire. The LaGuer case is going to the Supreme Judicial Court this fall with James C. Rehnquist leading the charge. Lemire's roll in the disappearing fingerprint report is bound to … [Read more...]
Joe Early Jr. to replace John Conte as Worcester DA
Congratulations to Joe Early Jr. for a decisive victory in the Democratic primary to succeed John J.Conte who is stepping down as DA after more than 30 years in office.This is an important development for the Benjamn LaGuer case, which many … [Read more...]
Rehnquist has filed his brief in the Benjamin LaGuer case
The ball is now in Sandra Hautanen's court. Ben LaGuer's team of pro bono lawyers headed by James C. Rehnquist filed their brief in the Supreme Judicial Court yesterday. It is posted as a PDF file to Go there to read it in … [Read more...]