My mentor,Michael Rich, who was my resource when I first began to do child welfare law, has started a new blog:http://www.michaelri...For those interested in this field, and the most vulnerable among us, I suggest that though new, it IS … [Read more...]
Open letter to Commissioner-designate Angelo McLain
REASONABLE EFFORTSBefore a child is taken out of their home, there is a requirement that reasonable efforts to prevent removal occur. PROBLEM: There is no definition of "reasonable efforts" required prior to removal of children … [Read more...]
Information on Angelo McLain, the new DSS Commissioner
Here goes:Angelo McLain, Commissioner of the Department of Social ServicesFor the past five years, Anthony "Angelo" McClain served as Executive Director of ValueOptions New Jersey, the Contract Systems Administrator that provides the … [Read more...]
Harry Spence to be replaced this week as DSS Commissioner
According to the WTG:BOSTON? The embattled head of the state's child welfare system will be replaced Wednesday as Gov. Deval Patrick looks to put his stamp on state government, a source told The Associated Press.According to the WTG, the … [Read more...]
Kentucky holds a summit on child welfare law – why don’t we?
The Chief Justice of the Kentucky Juvenile Court System goes on to say:The changes, which will take effect immediately, coincided with the announcement of an initiative by Lambert to improve Kentucky's courts and child welfare system.The … [Read more...]
DSS returns $20,000,00.00 while failing to serve families!
The Boston Globe reports that Harry Spence, DSS Commissioner, RETURNED Twenty MILLION unused dollars. The combined salaries for every social worker at the agency come to only $11,000,000!!!See: have had … [Read more...]
Request for Action from anyone who cares about children and familiesin MassachusettsI am asking you to write the list of legislators at the end of this post AND letters to the editor, to Mass Lawyers Weekly, and any other paper.The … [Read more...]
ANOTHER DEAD CHILD – How could it happen AGAIN – the DSS statutes have a big black hole
Thus, the failure of either G.L. c. 210 Sec. 3 or any other portion of the child welfare statute to define "best interests" and what the Department of Social Services is supposed to DO to protect children is what, in … [Read more...]
Why can’t haleigh’s grandmother visit her?
I attended the last hearing of the House Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect yesterday. So did Haleigh Poutre's grandmother. I listened to Sandra L. Sudyka talk about Haleigh eating scrambled eggs, writing her name, and … [Read more...]
Not a Merry Christmas for Haleigh
This update on the Haleigh Poutre case shows both the power of the Department of Social Services (DSS), and the "we never admit we are wrong" DSS culture AND how little the courts can do to rein in DSS. Alison Avrett gave up custody … [Read more...]