To Michael's insightful comments, I can only add a link to Nunberg's home page, and the following comments: Nunberg talks about an analysis he did of speeches at (I believe it was) the most recent national conventions, and found that the … [Read more...]
Some thoughts on taxes and Lexington failed override
First, in Lexington we have been the subject of an organized right wing campaign over the past several years-- We have had fights over displays of a religious creche on the Lexington green, we have had the setup of David Parker and the … [Read more...]
You gotta love Republicans!
THREE-MINUTE UPDATE: Check the hell out of this ARG poll: Americans support censure 46%-44%. Closely divided? You bet. Opportunity for leadership? Absolutely. Also, Linc Chaffee won't rule out censure. That ought to go over well with the … [Read more...]