As someone who considers himself a progressive, left leaning Democrat, it is easy for me to point the finger at Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, et al. and ascribe to them the blame for taking us down this road. But that would not only be … [Read more...]
Unbearable irony: Judge Sotomayor might actually oppose the firing of Officer Barrett
So the Boston Police Department, having discovered that one of its officers (Justin Barrett) sent a truly revolting email about the Henry Louis Gates arrest to the Globe and some other folks, has suspended him, and is apparently going to … [Read more...]
Police unions get their backs up; Obama talks with Crowley [update] and Gates
I see that Bob has just written a similar post. But I was working on this when his went up, so I'm posting it anyway. ;-) Around here, things seem to be going from bad to worse. Police unions today called on President Obama and … [Read more...]