Note the estimate is now "90% probablity" of being human caused. And remember, that the feared doubling of CO2 is merely an arbitrary number. There is no reason, based on current trends, that the buildup of CO2 would stop there. And, as the … [Read more...]
Senate Climate Change Plans
David Roberts at Grist posts 4 bills or plans being talked about in the US Senate. Seems to me we need "something equal to the task at hand".Mediocre Emissions Limits + Nuke Subsidies: The McCain-Lieberman Bill, now cleverly rebranded the … [Read more...]
Climate Change and RGGI
Skifree is upset, of course, with the weather.Sixty degrees at 8 am in January! Climate change?El Nino?, Both? Unfortunately climate change is real, ongoing and with no end in sight. We must address the problem. Money spent now IS well … [Read more...]