Newt Gingrich has announced that he will not run for the Republican nomination for president in 2008. It would have cut into his apparently wildly profitable speech-giving."Newt is not running," spokesman Rick Tyler said. "It is … [Read more...]
someone grab a mirror from the prop dept
I'd say he was reformed from his "Contract with America" days, but in the same article in which Newt Gingrich bemoans soundbite campaigning, he says "These aren't debates," the former Georgia congressman said. "This is a cross between [TV … [Read more...]
John Kerry Debated Newt Gingrich
An early statement by Newt: The essence of science that distinguishes it from politics is that the argument over fact and truth is very, very important.Is that Newt admitting that in his view, the argument over fact and truth is unimportant … [Read more...]
Newt understands us!
Well now, this is interesting. Newt Gingrich, who alternates between stone-cold sober clarity and nutty Homer-Simpsonesque anti-genius, seems to dial up Massachusetts pretty well:"Massachusetts is caught between not wanting to be Republican … [Read more...]
The political success cycle
It must be said that these cycles are not natural, unavoidable phenomena. The worm does not turn on its own, although externalities like the economy, some wars, and natural events may have a great impact. It is not inevitable that dominance … [Read more...]