Also seen at Truth & ProgressFrom today's Washington Post, Energy Firms Come to Terms with Climate Change. The fat lady has is singing away today: Exxon Mobil is contemplating dropping funding to climate skeptic think tanks and … [Read more...]
Institutionalized Global Warming: Town by town
So far, I have processed requests including Charlestown RI, Lunenburg MA, Leominster MA, Sutton MA, Rutland MA, and my home town of Hudson MA. (Strange that most of my request have come from the Worcester area and I have not heard anything … [Read more...]
An Inconvenient Index
Source for all non-hyperlinked items: The Weather Makers: How man is changing the climate and what it means for life on earth by Tim Flannery. All other sources are appropriately hyperlinked. Some items required calculations. I … [Read more...]
Alex Beam and the romance of denial
Globe columnist Alex Beam clearly prides himself on being a smart, contrarian sort. I can't imagine, then, why he writes such a credulous piece on MIT's famous global-warming denier Richard Lindzen:"This is the criminalization of opposition … [Read more...]
CO2 emissions: Why can’t we do that?
Andy points us to Nick Kristof's column in the Times Sunday (yeah, yeah, TimesSelect bleccch), which suggests that arguments that dealing with global warming will hurt the economy are so much Chicken Littling:But all across the country, … [Read more...]
Hot enough for you?
... It will be. Man, I thought this global-warming thing was gonna be a lot nicer; you know, palm trees in Boston and whatnot. But this is just gonna suck.Speaking of which, at what point will the media and public consign global-warming … [Read more...]
Al Gore Has a Posse: Tom Brokaw!
Tom Brokaw's going to talk up global warmingSunday at 9pm -- unfortunately, on the cable Discovery Channel, not a major broadcast network:Brokaw said he has seen and was impressed by "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore's documentary on the … [Read more...]
New guest post at Liberal Oasis: Global warming and Goremania
Just put up my latest guest post at Liberal Oasis ... yeah yeah yeah, it's about Gore again ... partly. This time I incorporate some on-target criticisms by Porcupine, et al.Al Gore Has A Posse … [Read more...]
Too dumb to breathe
Amy Ridenour of the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research slams all those crrrraaazy global-warming agitators in the media who don't know nothin' 'bout science:Anyone smart enough to take in O and emit CO2 knows you can't … [Read more...]
The Effects of Climate Change and an Inconvenient Truth
I also recently saw the new climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth. I was really impressed by how well Gore knows his science. He taught some critical concepts in oceanography (thermohaline circulation, sea-ice … [Read more...]