Hello, It's not getting much attention in the debate over health care when attention from the left focuses on insurance companies and the public option and the right speaks of government takeover, but providers will have to reduce costs. … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick hosts FY11 Budget Forum in Melrose tonight at 7:30
A Budget Forum provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in an open conversation about the Commonwealth's budget. While each host will tailor his/her presentation to their respective secretariat, the conversations are generally … [Read more...]
FIRST PERSON REPORT: Tonight’s rally at Faneuil Hall
Second Panelist: Kitty Dukakis She remembers her late father conducting orchestras in Faneuil Hall. She came as a person in recovery. She called gambling addiction a hidden addiction. She considered it a duty to her children and … [Read more...]
Calling for an “Attitude Adjustment” – The Chips are Down and the Choices All Horrible
I have been concerned that too many of us who got super-excited about the Deval Patrick candidacy and Administration are bogged down right now in the negativity of hard economic times and the polls and punditry of the moment--and are not … [Read more...]
Governor – Have the courage to hire and to house!
Why jobs? First, the courageous path is not firing 2000 workers but ensuring more workers are hired. For every state or corporate worker fired, from 20-100 families hunker down and go into bunker mentality. What do I mean … [Read more...]
Governor Lays out Plan
Today, Governor Patrick took the difficult but necessary step to announce cuts, including potential job losses to keep the state budget fiscally balanced. These are tough times and the Patrick-Murray leadership has been responsive; neither … [Read more...]
Environmental Groups Resign Board in Protest of Patrick Administration’s Water Reversal
MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 14, 2009 For more information, contact: Kerry Mackin, Ipswich River Watershed Assoc., 978-412-8200. Margaret Van Deusen, Charles River Watershed Assoc., 781-788-0007 ext. 234 Peter Shelley, … [Read more...]
Stimulus Funds for High Speed Rail in Massachusetts
This is an amazing way to bring life back to Massachusetts. Reconnecting Western MA to Boston via high speed rail will open the door to so many opportunities for growth. There will be more people from the Boston region moving to … [Read more...]
The police are unfairly attacking Governor Patrick.
Here's my principal beef with this ongoing Friday morning press conference being held by the solid BLUE LINE regarding the arrest of Harvard's Professor Gates. They've decided that Governor Patrick owes an apology to the constabulary? … [Read more...]
In the fullness of time .. a growing appetite for progressive taxes
“What we have in Massachusetts is a number of wealthy people who would be willing to contribute more – not all of them, but certainly have the capacity to contribute more – to relieve some of the pressure on the working … [Read more...]