First of all, Scientists deal in facts and after seven years of fiction from the Bush administration, this country needs a big dose of facts.Bill has a very significant career as a fact-based scientist. He played a prominent role in … [Read more...]
Diversity linked to low civic health: new Robert Putnam study
Noted Harvard social scientist Robert Putnam recently published the results of a major study with surprising findings: that community diversity is linked to relatively lower levels of key other measures of civic engagement and healthy … [Read more...]
One-Two Punch Against DCR and Harvard
Gotta love Representative Mike Moran's comments at a recent House budget hearing. First he took on Governor Patrick's proposal to privatize DCR's hockey and skating rinks. Hard to believe Gov. Patrick is picking up that doomed effort … [Read more...]
Liveblogging the Gov Debate in Cambridge – NOW
The Harvard Democrats are liveblogging the gubernatorial debate at the Kennedy School of Government. With commentary. Right here. … [Read more...]
Liveblog of Harvard’s LG forum
Good stuff. Nice work, Harvard Dems. Interesting to see Goldberg talk so much about health care. Amusing to see the Sam Kelley manure-shoveling theme -- also comes across as the most enthusiastically liberal. I would agree that Silbert is … [Read more...]