The Governor's FY 11 Budget comes out 1/28/10. Line item 0330-0300 is the line item that pays for Guardian Ad Litems for kids removed from parent's custody in either Juvenile Court or Probate and Family Court. In our state, unlike even … [Read more...]
House One = “legislation without appropriation” – Time to establish a Legislative Budget Office
House One as filed by Governor Deval Patrick suffers from the same deficit as every other piece of legislation in this State - Legislation without appropriation. Changes are made by the outside sections, but no one knows what they will … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick continues Romney’s freeze on 160 new DSS Social Workers; holds their pay
High case loads kill kids, and guarantee poor social work most of the time.This was appropriated money, and appropriated for the most vulnerable citizens of the Commonwealth. Can someone, anyone explain this to me?Good reporting by … [Read more...]