Back in early 2010 I wrote about the reemergence of extremist right wing hate groups and militias in three posts that appear below. Now two years on the problem continues unabated as detailed in the following: Number of US Hate Groups Is … [Read more...]
MSNBC’s Airing the McVeigh Tapes: Sensationalism or Timely Reminder?
On April 19th, on the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, MSNBC will televise live footage of interviews with Timothy McVeigh, the right wing mastermind of the attack. In light of all the turbulence and controversy … [Read more...]
Progressives, Its Time To Take The Offensive!
Conservative columnist, David Brooks once pointed out that the Internet has had the net effect of not bringing us closer together, but rather, driving us further apart. By allowing individuals to coalesce into narrower, self-reinforcing … [Read more...]
The Hutaree Militia and the Foiled Fantasy of a “Citizen’s Uprising”
Anyone who thinks I am off course on the topic of right-wing extremism should consider the latest incident that was reported on the evening news. Over the weekend the FBI arrested nine members of the Hutaree Militia, located in southern … [Read more...]