The more I think about it, the happier I am about Pete Seeger, accompanied by his grandson Tao and Bruce Springsteen, singing Woody Guthrie's great anthem "This Land Is Your Land" at the end of yesterday's concert. As I noted … [Read more...]
Inaugural Committee, not HBO, made the call to exclude Robinson from TV
HBO has given a statement to the effect that it was the Presidential Inaugural Committee that made the determination that NH Bishop Gene Robinson's invocation would not be part of the televised portion of yesterday's "We Are One" event on … [Read more...]
Patrick as witness: channeling Walt Whitman
I knew Patrick's speech reminded me of someone ...So, as an American, I am an optimist. But not a foolish one. I see clearly the challenges before us. I see the young talent and jobs leaving our state, driven away by the high … [Read more...]
No sir, I don’t like it
Just to get my digs in on the inauguration thing: No, I really do not like the fact that wealthy individuals and corporate sponsors are being asked to kick in $50,000 a piece for the big proposed inaugural bash. I suspect that many folks … [Read more...]