Pollster Peter Hart spoke at Harvard's Shorenstein Center on February 3, 2015 to a small group of people in the regular Tuesday noon conversation. He brought slides from the recent NBC/WallStreetJournal poll done just prior to State of the … [Read more...]
Miraculously the Republicans Rediscover the Average American
As if by magic, the Republican Party has rediscovered most of the rest of us. My neck is still stiff from the political whiplash I sustained when the Grand Old Party radically made its 180-degree course change back to the political middle. … [Read more...]
The Fading of a Great White Hope
Well there you have it, Republican Governor Chris Christie has decided not to run for president in 2012. This will certainly be a let down for many in the G.O.P. but in reality it probably doesn’t matter all that much anyway. For one thing, … [Read more...]
NeoCon Kristol Unsettled by G.O.P. Contenders
William Kristol, editor of the neoconservative organ, The Weekly Standard, recently bemoaned the performance of conservative candidates during the last Republican presidential debate. He claims to be saying out loud what he implies is a … [Read more...]
Urgent Message for Jeb Bush (and border-line disorder)
Note the bumper sticker on a SUV parked in Lubec, ME - just one block from the Canadian border. Meanwhile, I am still wondering why there's such tightening border controls to cross the bridge to Campobello Island, New Brunswick. … [Read more...]