On Friday, Catholic Democrats prayerfully remembered and honored the life of President John F. Kennedy, an American hero and the nation's first Catholic president, whose legacy cannot be separated from his faith. David O'Brien, the noted … [Read more...]
JFK & Our Environment: “We All Breathe the Same Air”
Some suggested reading on the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination: John F. Kennedy, the Cold War and Echoes of the Climate Change Challenge, Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media Rachel Carson and JFK, an Environmental Tag … [Read more...]
Election 2008: Ronald Reagan vs. John F. Kennedy?
Disclosure: I voted for Obama in the primary and strongly prefer him as our next president over Clinton. I was not around to witness the Jack and Bobby era first-hand, but before this latest wave of JFK comparisons I felt that in Obama I … [Read more...]
JFK, Mitt Romney and “The Speech”
Throughout the campaign, pundits have wondered whether he would give a speech analogous to the one given by then-Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960 before the Houston Ministerial Association, to address concerns about his Catholicism and … [Read more...]