10/11 - Tomorrow's conversation with the Governor. 10/14 Can we Afford Affordable housing -40B and Ballot Question 2 10/21 20 Years of the Americans with Disability Act 11/18 Election Aftermath: Wht happened, and … [Read more...]
The Great Massachusetts giveaway called “The Tax Expenditure Budget”
Now what if instead of making a bad bet on Casinos, the legislature actually cut back on giveaways? Did you know 50% of potential state revenue is lost due to "giveaways, tax breaks for corporations, and grandfathered incentives"? … [Read more...]
Donnelly, Kaufman to endorse Capuano today
I have heard and just received confirmation that Sen. Ken Donnelly and Rep. Jay Kaufman will announce their endorsement of Congressman Mike Capuano for the US Senate today, 3:00PM, at the Minuteman Statue on Lexington Green. If you are in … [Read more...]
Regretting the vote for Sal DiMasi?
An true act of contrition or a cynical attempt to explain away a whooping mistake? Clark Regrets Vote for DiMasi/The Time to Act is Now It looks like at least one member of the House is recognizing her exposure in voting for the former … [Read more...]