A couple of attention-worthy items: US Senate candidate Alan Khazei has come out strongly against casino gambling in Massachusetts. So far, anyway, he's the only one -- the others are staying away from the issue. In comments following … [Read more...]
Keller spews liberal media meme on Beat the Press
If people saw Beat the Press this past Friday, John Keller repeated the oft stated meme of the liberal bias in media. Yet not one other guest countered this statement. Why? A few minutes later, one guest (it might have been Dan Kennedy?) … [Read more...]
Keller’s working for the MA GOP
Barney, that is. From Jon's blog -- offered without comment: Full Disclosure As we've mentioned here before, my adult son Barney is a political activist who has worked for Republican candidates here and in New Hampshire. On March 3rd … [Read more...]
Non-identification of sources: is everybody really doing it?
John Anderson: "Follow the Money: How George W. Bush and the Texas Republicans Hog-tied America." Scribner, 2007. 27 pages of endnotes, plus footnotes throughout the book.Greg Anrig: "The Conservatives Have No Clothes: Why … [Read more...]
Keller: If it’s not true, at least it’s a good story
If you can't check Keller's work, how do you know you can trust him? The absence of annotation unfortunately and perhaps unnecessarily puts the whole book straight into the category of "Bullshit", as defined by Harry … [Read more...]
KellerGate continues
Intrepid Boston Herald media reporter Jessica Heslam has more today on the burgeoning kerfuffle surrounding Jon Keller's book "The Bluest State," and specifically his practice of lifting passages from newspaper articles without attribution … [Read more...]
Morning roundup: Keller, Obama, Campanini, and other characters
Some quick hits from my inbox and the morning papers.Keller's non-sourcing trashed. Jessica Heslam at the Herald noticed the same thing I did about Jon Keller's "The Bluest State" -- there's an awful lot of anonymous and unattributed … [Read more...]
Keller pere and fils make the Globe
Barney Keller's dad managed to make himself the story by not disclosing his paternal relationship to Ogo's spokesman on the air until this week.With a competitive congressional race in progress, WBZ-TV political analyst Jon Keller has … [Read more...]
The Bluest Pundit: chapter 4
The problem with this chapter is its treatment of the local politician who has treated the abortion issue perhaps most outrageously: Mitt Romney. Keller does, thank goodness, occasionally acknowledge Romney's "flagrantly expedient … [Read more...]
Eagan so totally nails it.
The Lawrence superintendent doesn't speak English so good. And you know whose fault that is?They’re “liberals” or “progressives.” They’re Starbucks-sipping, NPR-listening, horrified-by-Fox News, … [Read more...]