By lindseym
Reality-based commentary on politics.
By lindseym
By maryjean
The original video case which will has resulted in first amendment constitutional law has now moved forward in the federal Court system. This video has been produced to expose the tactics of the State police in a last ditch effort to entrap … [Read more...]
By bwroop0323
A little background. This case is being brought by ten voters seeking an SJC order to place the Health Care Constitutional Amendment on the 2008 ballot after the 2005-2006 Constitutional Convention failed to take an up or down vote on … [Read more...]
To chime in with Bob on Mukasey's remarkable claims, here's another law prof who finds himself appalled by the nominee's transparent weaseling on executive power:AT his confirmation hearings last week, Michael B. Mukasey, President … [Read more...]
By aldon-hynes
Last spring, Avery Doninger, junior class secretary at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, CT was working hard to organize an annual battle of the bands at her high school. There had been complications around the venue to be … [Read more...]
Is this a trend from DA Dan Conley? A while back he actually criticized a jury for dealing him a defeat in a murder case -- something you almost never hear. Now DA Dan is criticizing personnel decisions:In an extremely rare public rebuke, … [Read more...]
This is from career lawyer at the Department of Justice, "civil appellate attorney with the Department of Justice since 1981", in an op-ed for the Denver Post. (Has this guy resigned yet?)As a longtime attorney at the U.S. Department of … [Read more...]
By Speaking Out
Team 5 Investigates is reporting that fired crime lab employee Robert Pino has morphed into a "whistle blower". Is this sour grapes or signs of bigger problems? Seems like a transparent investigation and hearings are called for. Excerpts … [Read more...]
Is it a coincidence that on Monday Blue Mass Group readers learned that Leominster mom Mary Jean won her case in federal court and then on Thursday the T&G's Richard Nangle brings it to a wider readership? Maybe. Here are excerpts from … [Read more...]
Her case went to the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which ruled last Friday. SHE WON!! Read the decision here.One of the more entertaining side shows of last spring (read link from the bottom), which in the summer and fall (ditto) … [Read more...]