Here is a sampling of pieces appearing in local newspapers over the last week: TewksburyJune 7 Tewksbury Override to fund school district, town hallFairhavenSchool Budget Request Denied in Town MeetingBrooklineUpcoming Override Vote to … [Read more...]
I Won!
This is a victory for West Brookfield. There is now a real opportunity for the Town to build the confidence that its citizens have in the services it provides. I'm looking forward to working with Selectmen Barry Nadon and Tom Long to build … [Read more...]
Where’s Eisenthal? On the Stump!
Recently, I've been a pretty inactive blogger. Before tonight, I hadn't posted on The Eisenthal Report for a week. There have been some interesting and important events that have been worthy of comment. The Massachusetts House passing new … [Read more...]
Eisenthal Campaign Launches Website
I invite all BMGers to visit my new campaign website, David for West Brookfield which is at It's pretty basic - it has my reasons for running, my positions on issues, and my bio. We are looking to add pictures … [Read more...]
Eisenthal for Selectman – Campaign Update
Even with its strong financial reserves, West Brookfield is facing tough budgetary pressures this year. With my background in municipal finance, I have ideas and solutions to protect the Town's financial position while maintaining Town - … [Read more...]
Local Edwards supporters launch blog
I hope you check it out - I think that Andrew has done set up a comprehensive blog with really active Edwards campaign links. See: http://bostonforedwa... … [Read more...]