This is about someone who knew Scott Brown personally--his college room mate and why we don't need to worry about checks and balances in the Congress--Senate or House. . It's important to know about checks and balances-and what the Founding … [Read more...]
Why I am voting for Martha Coakley on Tuesday
After supporting John Edwards whom I did NOT know, and who turned out to be a creation of the media and phony, it matters to me whether I know someone in governance who becomes a candidate for higher office personally. Before the Juvenile … [Read more...]
Support Martha Coakley for U.S. Senate
If you haven't sent your emails, expressing your support for Martha Coakley in your own enthusiastic way, talking to your friends, in the language they understand, then please do it now. And/or make your calls, talk to your neighbors … [Read more...]
First person report – phone banking for Martha Coakley tonight in Arlington
The second shift had 15 intrepid callers. I don't know how many calls were made - other than lots - but our easy clean pergo floors and quirky floor plan worked quite well. If as much GOTV energy as I saw tonight was happening all … [Read more...]
Scott Brown will Derail Historic Opportunity to Reform Healthcare System
Many presidents and congresses have tried and failed to reform our healthcare system and the result is the broken system we have now. It should now be clear that if we fail this time it will be at least another decade and quite possibly … [Read more...]
Reload / Refresh Campaign…
Please, help out with the reload campaign in the remaining days of the campaign. Go to, signed in as a user from MA, and keep refreshing / logging on until u see a Martha ad. If u see a Martha ad, try to sign in … [Read more...]
Help for Martha Coakley
The second was from the state party announcing an event on Friday with Senator Kerry and President Clinton: ***SAVE THE DATE*** Please Join PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON & SENATOR JOHN KERRY For an Afternoon in Honor of MARTHA … [Read more...]
Coakley should agree to one-on-one debates…she’d win them
A couple of specific thoughts on tonight's discussion: Coakley was successful in attacking Brown on health care. She pointed out that Brown has filed a bill in the Mass. Legislature to cut out the mandates in the Massachusetts health … [Read more...]
Coakley shakes it up, finally! My favorite spar, "Just so I'm clear, so we get a simple answer, you would let the top 2 percent keep the tax cuts they got during the Bush-Cheney administration?" Coakley said to Brown. "That's a yes or … [Read more...]
Where Capuano & Coakley DO Contrast on the Issues.
Martha Coakley, as Attorney General, has presided over a criminal justice system that does a tremendous amount of collateral damage, and could use a lot of improvement. She's been in a position to do that, and at best, she's been a … [Read more...]