Congratulations to the town of Littleton and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, both of which have earned recognition from Smart Growth America for their complete streets policies. First: Exactly what are complete streets … [Read more...]
On Untolled Congested Highways, Every Day is Free Cone Day
Great analogy from Matt Yglesias to explain why congested roads should be tolled: Build a useful road and you'll find that space on the road at peak times is a valuable commodity. And yet it's also a commodity that's generally either … [Read more...]
The week that moved transportation forward What a week for transportation in Massachusetts! Governor Patrick released hard numbers on the cost to fix and modernize our transportation system and a plan for building a 21st century … [Read more...]
The Globe’s bizarre editorial on the MassDOT board
What's up with the Globe and the unions, anyway? They're really unhappy that Governor named well-known union organizer Janice Loux to the new MassDOT board. I don't actually know that much about Loux, so I'm not taking a … [Read more...]
MassPike is dead. Long live MassDOT!
Today is Day 1 of the state's new unified transportation agency, MassDOT, which replaces a whole bunch of other agencies including perhaps most notably the Turnpike Authority, now consigned to the dustbin of history. Not a moment too … [Read more...]