What became of Mitt Romney the “severe conservative” who so assured the American right earlier this year that he had long since slipped his moorings to a moderate political past in Massachusetts? Surely a “severely conservative” Mitt Romney … [Read more...]
The Hutaree Militia and the Foiled Fantasy of a “Citizen’s Uprising”
Anyone who thinks I am off course on the topic of right-wing extremism should consider the latest incident that was reported on the evening news. Over the weekend the FBI arrested nine members of the Hutaree Militia, located in southern … [Read more...]
Revving Up The Kamikazes On The Right
In 1281 medieval Japan was spared a Mongolian invasion thanks to a massive typhoon that swept across Kyushu Island, thereby destroying the invading fleet and drowning the Mongolian warriors. The storm was deemed a divine wind or kamikaze, … [Read more...]
Obama’s Aunt Is “Illegal”
Obama's aunt is here ILLEGALLY living in poverty, and is a deportation FUGITIVE. She's collecting WELFARE and has DONATED to Obama's campaign, ILLEGALLY! Obama. Family in poverty as he makes millions. Complete lawlessness. Giveaway your … [Read more...]
Chosen fables
Jay Tea at Wizbang has prompted me finally to do something I should have done a week-and-a-half ago -- to thank Wavemaker (former state rep Peter Morin) for having EaBoClipper, Jay Tea and myself to talk to his blogging/politics class at … [Read more...]
Malkin is Raping the Truth About Migrants
Cross-posted on Immigration OrangeOn Friday August 10, JTD sent me this email:I assume you're aware of the savage, horrible shooting down in NJ last week, of 4 young college students...Turns out, one of the murder suspects is an illegal … [Read more...]