Republicans have not even popped the corks of their celebratory champagne bottles yet and already there is a anti-Tea Party coup in the works the goal of which is to torpedo the presidential aspirations of Sarah Palin before her campaign … [Read more...]
Tax Cuts and Their Efficacy: A Postscript
In two previous articles, "Maintain Tax Cuts for the Rich? Americans Don't Seem to Buy the Conservative Argument" and the "Efficacy of Tax Cuts Is now Questioned" I laid out two basic premises. One was that a majority of the American people … [Read more...]
The Stars Have Aligned: The Time Is Now for the DREAM Act
For those that don't know, the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act would give the right to exist to almost a million migrant youth who are American in every sense except for the piece of paper that recognizes them … [Read more...]
Maintain Tax Cuts for the Rich? American’s Don’t Seem to Buy The Conservative Argument
We constantly hear the monotonous refrain from the right that now is not the time to raise taxes, even for the richest Americans, citing that this will somehow threaten the weak and halting recovery. Yet a composite number of 59% of the … [Read more...]
DREAM Now Recap: The Ghost of Virgil Goode Possesses the Republican Party
Last week, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and the nativist organization NumbersUSA were behind a political effort to release an inflammatory memo from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The memo was released with the … [Read more...]
Ditch Mitch and bring common sense back to government
Why do they keep electing this man? We need to converge on Kentucky and get out the vote for someone to replace him. We have 4 years. Let's get a Democrat, or even a moderate Republican candidate in place. A lot can be … [Read more...]