Under strong questioning from Senator Feinstein this afternoon (A- is my grade for her performance) Alito reiterated his suggestion of this morning to Leahy that Bush can order spying on Americans without a warrant. He got there by noting … [Read more...]
My cousin is going back to New Orleans today
Charley: What kind of work environment have you experienced down there? What kind of daily routine did you have?Anna: Mamma has a sixth sense for people who actually want to work, and are not there just to see all the terrible things that … [Read more...]
James Dobson and me
I actually can see where he's coming from with <a href="http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/007383.php">this: Dobson: "If the nation’s politicians don’t fix this national disaster, then the oceans of gambling money … [Read more...]
Cheshire Rebels Against Voting Machines
The North Adams Transcript reports Cheshire has informed Galvin they will not install electronic voting machines as required by federal law because the existing paper ballot system works just fine (hat tip, BradBlog and … [Read more...]
Pat Robertson has totally lost it
As you'll recall, Pat Robertson warned the residents of Dover, PA - who recently voted out a school board more interested in indoctrination than education - that they shouldn't expect any help from God if a natural disaster were visited … [Read more...]
David Letterman hammers Bill O’Reilly
Tom Ball at Kos has posted a link to the video and a transcript of last night's David Letterman show on which Letterman stopped being a comedian for long enough to lay into Bill O'Reilly about Iraq. Good for Letterman. As Ball … [Read more...]
Bush recess-appoints half the FEC
This President is so evil. Today he recess-appointed three individuals, including the nefarious Hans von Spakovsky (discussed here), to the Federal Election Commission. In so doing, he bypassed the Senate confirmation process … [Read more...]
Presidential signing statements: it’s worse than you thought
As I noted in this post, Samuel Alito proposed some fairly radical views when working for the Reagan administration regarding the effect of the President issuing a "signing statement" when he signs a bill into law. Among them, he … [Read more...]
Abramoff pleads guilty, will cooperate with investigations
2006 is starting off badly for Members of Congress who took money and favors from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Abramoff's attorney today announced that Abramoff has agreed to plead guilty to two criminal charges and also agreed … [Read more...]
A tale of two leaks
(Got a new verse, or an improvement on what's here? Drop it in the comments.)There once was an agent named Plamewho Karl Rove considered "fair game."So Bob Novak, our hero,showed integrity zeroby shamelessly outing her name.Once … [Read more...]
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