I’ve been annoyed by the comments of some posters on here (not to mention direct mailings) making charges that the Jason Lewis campaign is being dishonest, misrepresenting facts, or going negative. I live in the district and I am … [Read more...]
Palin publicly breaks with McCain and supports a federal ban on gay marriage
To Senator Barack Obma's credit, he has kept hands off Governor Palin's religion, as he should. The same AP article states that: In September, Obama defended Palin's religious beliefs and said it would be "offensive" to portray her … [Read more...]
Was South Carolina a Rejection of “Divide and Conquer”?
Either way, it's clear that we are in for a long campaign to the convention. Edwards kept his head above 15% and got delegates, which will make him a player at the convention. I expect that Edwards will continue to poll around that level … [Read more...]
Heads of the Mass. & Boston Bar Associations speak out
As a practicing Boston lawyer and founder of the earliest Boston bar association, John Adams defended British troops accused of the murder of patriots at the Boston Massacre. Six of those soldiers and their captain were acquitted. Though he … [Read more...]