Q Hi. I'm Judy Loftus. I teach at Nashua South High School. (Applause.) I teach in the careers and education program, and that's a career and technical program that prepares students for lives working -- … [Read more...]
I was there – John Edwards One America New Hampshire Tour stops in Manchester!
First he spoke briefly. He said he wanted to be known as the "jobs president", and before taking economic actions, would be asking himself, "Is this good for the jobs of Middle-class Americans?" He stated, "I will close tax … [Read more...]
NCLB: Great Debate Answer (with Harry Potter poll)
COOPER: Governor Richardson, you have had to implement No Child Left Behind in your state. Would you scrap it? Revise it?RICHARDSON: I would scrap it. It doesn't work.(APPLAUSE)It is the law. It is not just an unfunded mandate, but the one- … [Read more...]