The Sunlight Foundation just released its legislative transparency report card as part of “Sunshine” week, a week dedicated to calling attention to the need for greater transparency in government. The Massachusetts Legislature received a … [Read more...]
New Video: Governor Patrick & JT nailed the issues yesterday.
This video is a wake up call Moderates who are considering a GOP/Tea Party vote and to Dems who mamby-pamby the evil that the GOP represents. It is long, but worth every second to view. Sometimes it takes a while to thoroughly explain an … [Read more...]
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
According to statistics from the Pew Research Center, 74% American adults use the Internet and nearly 59% of those individuals use it to visit a government website. There are no statistics, however, for what these visits yield. In early … [Read more...]
Boston City Council Pleading Guilty to Open Meeting Charges
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Post about Council Pleading Guilty to Open Meeting Charges … [Read more...]
A want ad I never thought I would see
I was browsing Craigslist and came across this job posting. I do not agree with the premise that legislators should simply be delegates slavishly following the expressed preferences of their constituents. I also think Mr. … [Read more...]
failure of the Boston Finance Commission to comply… Commission meeting minutes.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth Public Records Division Alan N. Cote Supervisor of Records email pre at June 13, 2006 SPR08/026 The … [Read more...]
Governmental bodies are required to keep accurate written minutes of all of their meetings.
ENSE PETIT PLACIDAM SVB LIBERTATE QVIETEM wiki/Flag_of_Massachusetts The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth Public Records … [Read more...]
Why you should care about Microsoft and their OOXML
OOXML is Microsoft's spec. It was not developed out of the goodness of MS; it was done only because they thought they would lose market share. It is riddled with so many errors that they have had to stack with their own lackeys the … [Read more...]