The latest soapblox code upgrade has given us the ability to create additional columns, so I thought I'd try it. I've moved all the ads into the right-most column; that prevents the Recommended list, the Recent User Post list, and the … [Read more...]
Pats-Colts open thread
Sez you! … [Read more...]
Game day Fenway Dice-K open thread
If you can think of other rhymes for the title, drop 'em in the comments.GO SOX!! … [Read more...]
Open thread
Heck of a game going on right now between Colorado and San Diego -- it's a one game tiebreak to determine the National League wild card. It's on TBS, if you've got the standard cable.What are you watching?UPDATE: NL wildcard game is … [Read more...]
Tuesday’s elections, and open thread
Some important, though largely below-radar, elections are happening on Tuesday. In East Boston, four candidates are competing in the Democratic primary for the 1st Suffolk state rep seat. (There are no Republicans running for … [Read more...]
Open thread
Waddaya say? … [Read more...]
Labor Day open thread
Have at it! … [Read more...]
Open thread
By popular demand. What's on your mind? … [Read more...]