"Despite irregularities in the vote tabulation, now is not the time to throw that strong democracy away," Obama said, one day before a contest in Iowa launches the state-by-state nominating contests in the 2008 White House race. "Now is a … [Read more...]
Westborough Ongoing Weekly Peace Vigil – Globe Item
I've been there a few times myself, and I enjoy talking to the folks there (usually at least a dozen or so, and sometimes as many as thirty) about the war, politics, local restaurants, etc. The first time I joined them, I spoke to … [Read more...]
Code Pink Gets Listened To Instead of Being Arrested — And the Media Covered It!
I just can't get over this photo of Gael Murphy, head of Code Pink in D.C., talking with General Pace and Secretary Gates on Capitol Hill. What a difference from previous encounters between Code Pink and this administration. … [Read more...]
Michael Klare to Speak at WCES Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck Dinner
You're invited to join Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety at our Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner, Sunday, May 21, at St. John's United Methodist Church, 80 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown. Here's the program:5:30 PM - Potluck … [Read more...]