In today's Globe, some criticism of the House leadership from a quarter I did not expect: "If the Red Sox came in and lost every game of the year and they kept the manager at the end of the year, that's a problem," US Representative … [Read more...]
Democrats to fold again
At least 38 House Democrats have now come out publicly in favor of at least a short-term extension of current income tax rates for couples earning more than $250,000 and individuals over the $200,000 threshhold... Tax the rich? Nah. It's an … [Read more...]
On Saving 319,000 Jobs, Or, Legislation Keeps Teachers Teaching
So across my desk have come documents that report how many jobs will be saved by the House coming back into session to vote out H.R. 1586 and send it to the President for his signature. Long story short, after all the commemorative pens … [Read more...]
Four Frozen Pols in the Race for Senate
But Lynch really isn't really fooling anyone. Like the three other current or former Congressmen mulling a race are waiting for a smoke signal from the Kennedy compound. It's like Lynch, Congressmen Ed Markey, Mike Capuano and former … [Read more...]
Benedict Hammers a Confused Speaker
The ox in this case was Nancy Pelosi's. And true to his usual form, His Holiness didn't hesitate. You see, Miz Pelosi had made the ultimate faux pas for someone who claims to be "an ardent, practicing catholic." (Her words, not … [Read more...]
ENDA the Good Bill
Some Background...Back on September 28th, Rep Barney Frank (D-MA) posted a diary at The Bilerico Project. In it he made this surprise announcement that blindsided the community...under the current political situation, we do not have … [Read more...]
Pelosi for President – Now
I have decided impeachment is too slow. Deserved, certainly, but too slow. Resignation is faster. I call upon Bush and Cheney to resign. Under a parliamentary system, we could call for elections, without waiting for a prescribed term of … [Read more...]
Fantastic NY Times article on Pelosi’s Middle East trip
Read the whole thing. Here's a taste:The tone of the complaints [from the Bush administration about Pelosi's trip] - particularly Vice President Dick Cheney's public characterization of her visit as "bad behavior" - contrasts sharply … [Read more...]
The Speaker’s blog
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has inaugurated a blog, called "The Gavel." Could be a great thing. At the moment, comments appear to be disabled; it's unclear to me whether that's going to change. … [Read more...]
Coal’s Stranglehold on Congress
Bits and Bobs of InformationBefore writing this diary, I knew little about the financial side of coal. Some tidbits: * Total United States coal production 2005-06: 1131.5 million short tons ( * There are … [Read more...]