Speaking up for the little guy/gal. Insisting on fairness for said members of our Commonwealth. Policies that relect those values. Creating a state that works better for all of us. (Well, maybe not "better" in the minds of those … [Read more...]
Why would a blog suddenly activate a “comment moderation” feature and block serious comments?
Discouraging to say the least; troublesome and then some if censorship of serious discussion of MA health reform is the reason.Over many months posting at the HCFA "Healthy Blog" I've never had a comment blocked or seen this: "Please note: … [Read more...]
What Are Mandatory Health Care Plans?
What Are Mandatory Health Care Plans?by DrSteveBThu Feb 22, 2007 at 04:14:11 AM PSTWe have reached the point where almost everybody is in favor of "universal health insurance." The problem is, as they say, in those pesky details. Why … [Read more...]
New MA Health Care Reform Legislation Is Political Bouncing Betty
A unique take on this issue, cross-posted from BMG homepage comment made by: policycenter, 3/7/07I have been involved in the HC financing business for over 30 years and I know bad legislation when I see it. The MA reform legislation is some … [Read more...]
An outsider’s view of the MA health reform plan
Oops...While Hawaii's "Prepaid Health Care Act" required employers to provide health insurance for employees working twenty hours per week or more, there is no such requirement to provide coverage for employees working less than twenty … [Read more...]
McNamara column on target: “Insurance law far from cure”
...The one solution not on the table is the one that is the most obvious: Increase the assessment on employers who do not provide health insurance for their workers. The law now requires only that employers of 50 or more people kick in $295 … [Read more...]
Reality-based politics and sound policy: 2 essential ingredients for meaningful health reform
The biggest objection to single-payer I have heard from Democrats is not that single-payer is not a good system, or even the best system, but that it will be attacked as socialized medicine and therefore is not politically viable. Of … [Read more...]
Health care worth fighting for
Spending a few months rotating through a private facility, I found it unconscionable that patients needing urgent medical care were turned down at the door if they did not have medical insurance. I spent as much time treating lacerations … [Read more...]
In case you missed this as I did: “UNSUNG DEVELOPMENTS OF 2006”
Boston Glob, December 31, 2006HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT | UNSUNG DEVELOPMENTS OF 2006Silent majority for single-payer By Marcia Angell,MDIN SEPTEMBER, an ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey found that 56 percent of Americans … [Read more...]
Sen. Wyden’s Proposed Healthcare Reform: another gap between theory & real world
The Healthy Americans Act is a bill being introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon.Executive Summary (excerpts):The "Healthy Americans Act" (HAA) establishes a centrally financed system of private health insurance for all Americans except … [Read more...]