Joe Biden ⇑ As I said elsewhere, reminiscient of the angry uncle most families have: often right, often scary. An old-school experience candidate whose time has passed. Decent organization last night in NH puts him past … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (May)
Joe Biden ⇔ A quick, funny, and classy response to an inane question during the debate was his best moment since confronting Bush's hacks on torture. He just needs many more such good moments.Hillary Clinton ⇔ Hillary votes the … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇔ I'd love to hear from somebody somewhere who is supporting Joe's run. So that I can ask why...he's a good enough feller, but what does he offer that nobody else does?Hillary Clinton ⇔ Earth to … [Read more...]
2008 ups and downs
Joe Biden ⇑ Joe gets a little nudge because Vilsack dropped out. He won't get all of Vilsack's support by any means, but he will get some. Wesley Clark ⇓ Now the General says that any announcement is three months … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇓ He likes those nice, clean, well-spoken African-Americans (not drooling monsters like Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson). People don't mind this kind of talk from elderly relatives, but from a future … [Read more...]