While celebrations erupted Tuesday night, Nov. 4th, over the election of the first African American president, many also watched in sadness as California, Arizona, and Florida voted down marriage equality for LGBT people. Since then, tens … [Read more...]
What Will Your Sign Say on the National Day of Protest?
Saturday is the National Day of Protest against the passage of Proposition 8, which stripped gay couples of an existing right to marry in California. As the day draws closer, I'm starting to think about what message I want to send out via … [Read more...]
Rally Against Prop 8 in Cambridge
Election Day was bittersweet for LGBT Americans across the country. Barack Obama's victory filled me with hope, while the passage of anti-gay amendments in three states left me feeling dejected. California's vote to ban same-sex marriage is … [Read more...]
What Are You Going To Do About This, Obama Supporters?
Patrick over at Pams' House Blend lays it out better than I couldHere it is in bold colored print mailed out to how many - millions? - of California homes 5 days before the election. Obama's image and quotes show how his position on … [Read more...]
Today Is Write to Marry Day
Community leaders in California are asking that we promote the following three items to blog readers: The greatest need is for money: To move the message, the campaign must push hard in print, radio and television ads. To have your readers … [Read more...]
Time for Obama to step up to the plate on Gay Equality.
Via Andrew Sullivan: A new SUSA poll shows Black Californians backing Prop. (H)8 58% to 38%, which would amend the CA constitution to change the definition of civil marriage to solely between a man and a woman. This is by far the … [Read more...]