The Boston Globe ran an editorial State can save on lawyers by hiring more public defenders which is sadly based on a misunderstanding of what court-appointed attorneys and DAs do. First, it is easier to accuse than to disprove … [Read more...]
Were guardians ad litem and indigent defense thrown under the budget bus?
Go to Line item 0321-1500 is "staff" Line item 0321-1510 is "independent contractors" - private attorneys who accept court appointments in child welfare, mental health, and criminal cases. I … [Read more...]
Bar Advocate stalled back pay passed tonight!
The House and Senate passed a Supplemental Budget tonight. It contains the money to pay invoices submitted by court appointed attorneys, some times called "bar advocates" for work done between 4/1/07 and 6/30/07, timely billed, and … [Read more...]
Update on the Ohio Public Defender – remember him? He refused to go to trial unprepared.
Turns out Brian Jones was only three months out of law school - but he sure has "brass balls" if you ask me.John Wesley Hall, Jr., the President elect of the National Association of Defense Lawyers (NACDL)testified as an expert witness on … [Read more...]
Update on Brian Jones [The public defender arrested for refusing to go to trial unprepared]
Here is my promised update. Attorney Brian Jones was released after five hours. His action was lauded by other Public Defenders in Ohio, as Ohio's Supreme Court has held that representing a defendant when an attorney is … [Read more...]
Public Defender arrested in Ohio for refusing to go to trial unprepared, yesterday
For the whole newspaper story, go to:http://www.recordpub...NACDL, the national organization for those who defend the indigent, has also weighed in. Their press release is located at: excerpt:The judge in the … [Read more...]