April is around the corner, and with it Massachusetts will receive the Census Data that will officially start the redistricting process. MassVote, together with a wide array of organizations including ONE Massachusetts, … [Read more...]
Political Redistricting: Capuano goes to the Senate
Detail of the City of Boston No towns or Cities are divided between districts, except Boston. In the difference maps that follow, dark green represents towns that are in both the old and new district. Light green is for towns … [Read more...]
Removing Lynch in 2012
Notable Changes: The 1st district (Blue) picks up Northampton and some other nearby towns, smoothing the boarder with the second. The 2nd District (Green) makes up for the loss by grabbing Franklin, Attleboro and some other towns in that … [Read more...]
Let’s count EVERYONE and avoid losing a seat!
Together we can avoid losing a seat. There are several under counted constituencies, seriously [and this list is not exhaustive] 1. Children in foster care 2. Cognitively limited adults in group homes run by DDS 3. … [Read more...]
New Districts for Massachusetts
District 1 Berkshire County Hampshire County, excluding - Ware Hampden County, excluding - Palmer - Monson - Wales - Holland - Brimfield I wanted to include Franklin County in this district, but it would have made the population too large … [Read more...]
GOP to file civil law suit to force redistricting?
According to today's Taunton Gazette:Looking forward to 2011, the Massachusetts Republican Party is already starting to organize its efforts to redraw the map of legislative and congressional districts throughout the state. In … [Read more...]
Should Voters Pick Candidates, or Candidates Pick Voters?
[...]Norton is divided up into three legislative districts. The largest is the 1st Bristol District, currently represented by outgoing Rep. Virginia Coppola. That district includes precincts 3,4 and 5 in Norton. Currently there are three … [Read more...]