State House News has several anonymous Senate sources confirming that Senator Therese Murray (D-Plymouth), the current Chair of the Senate Ways & Means Committee, has been making phone calls to line up support for a bid to succeed … [Read more...]
Thought for tax day: What are you buying?
So, let's say you need a car. You're on the lot, considering something that's really what you need, but at the top of what you want to spend, the salesman is trying to close ... and you get cold feet. You start to leave.The salesman calls … [Read more...]
Gov Poll: Dems’ leads slip a little
Via Political Wire, Rasmussen says Reilly and Patrick still beat Healey and Mihos almost identically: When voters consider a three-way match-up, Democratic Attorney General Thomas Reilly leads with 34% support over Republican Lieutenant … [Read more...]
Well, at least Wayne Woodlief doesn’t think I’m crazy!
Today's Herald brings another of Wayne Woodlief's too-infrequent columns (reg. req'd) on the ins and outs of state politics. I found today's column especially gratifying, because he raises some of the same issues I raised at the end … [Read more...]
With the signing of the health care bill, we see a few things coming into focus: There is really nothing Romney won't do to please the Norquistites and the religious right. If he were the guy he claimed to be in 2002 -- a can do, make it … [Read more...]
First debate set for Democratic candidates for Governor
Yes, it's true. All three Democratic candidates for Governor have agreed to a televised debate, to be moderated by Channel 4's Jon Keller. It will air at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 23. No doubt all of twelve voters will be … [Read more...]
Gabrieli is in …
and he's already got a slick new website up and running!Deval Patrick issued a statement on Gabrieli's announcement that he's running for Governor: "I welcome Chris to the race. I look forward to engaging with him on the issues in the … [Read more...]
New poll shows Patrick doing better than Reilly vs. Healey
Kevin Rothstein at the Herald reports that a new Zogby/Wall Street Journal poll shows both Deval Patrick and Tom Reilly handily beating Kerry Healey - and that Patrick's lead is actually bigger:Patrick vs. Healey: 53 to 31.5 percentReilly … [Read more...]
More on the State House News poll
As Charley noted earlier this week, a new State House News poll shows Tom Reilly with a still-commanding lead over Deval Patrick in the Democratic primary, but with Patrick's "Deval who?" numbers still near 80%, which would seem to give … [Read more...]
Mike Capuano to endorse Deval Patrick
AP is reporting that US Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Somerville) is set to endorse Deval Patrick's campaign for Governor tomorrow afternoon.Interesting. I don't know whether Capuano and Tom Reilly have any history (I assume that Capuano … [Read more...]