Skifree is upset, of course, with the weather.Sixty degrees at 8 am in January! Climate change?El Nino?, Both? Unfortunately climate change is real, ongoing and with no end in sight. We must address the problem. Money spent now IS well … [Read more...]
WashPo & NYTimes: Climate Change Fat Lady Sings?
Also seen at Truth & ProgressFrom today's Washington Post, Energy Firms Come to Terms with Climate Change. The fat lady has is singing away today: Exxon Mobil is contemplating dropping funding to climate skeptic think tanks and … [Read more...]
Another Healey flip-flop: RGGI
Yesterday I wrote up a list of substantive issues that I hoped would get addressed in tonight's debate. One of them is Gov. Romney's precipitous pullout of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a consortium of northeastern states that … [Read more...]
CO2 emissions: Why can’t we do that?
Andy points us to Nick Kristof's column in the Times Sunday (yeah, yeah, TimesSelect bleccch), which suggests that arguments that dealing with global warming will hurt the economy are so much Chicken Littling:But all across the country, … [Read more...]