In this age of high-tech elections, with strong passions on all sides, it's essential that you know that the optical scan voting machine that counts your ballot works right every time. They have to be reprogrammed with a new memory … [Read more...]
Jan 31, 2007: Never Forget
Today was the 3rd Anniversary of the largest terrorist attack in recent Boston history. Okay, the terrorists were cartoon characters, and the attack was a fantastical illusion in the minds of authority, but it shut down buildings and … [Read more...]
Presidential Vocal Chords Utilized!
It's nice to know our president is capable of speaking with a strong voice when he wants to. Too bad he didn't choose to during the Senate health care reform debate. "That's not acceptable, and I will not tolerate it,"taking them jointly to … [Read more...]
For the security-conscious toddler
Best of all, maybe, are the 48 (and counting) customer reviews, ranging from the complaint that it needs 350 more action figures to make a long line, to "Needs a Water Boarding Option." Maybe next we'll see a Commonwealth Fusion Center … [Read more...]
Stop the Presses! (Literally)
On Friday, the MBTA sued MIT and three MIT students, claiming that the students planned to present a paper at the DEFCON hacker's conference explaining how to circumvent the security on the T's Charlie Cards and thus create counterfeit … [Read more...]
Immigration Reform a National Security Disaster?
According to West,In short order, the system will be overwhelmed. Whatever minimal fraud detection and prevention safeguards might be erected won't last long in the face of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of applications and … [Read more...]
What Does Random Panic Protect Us From?
Protecting Us From NothingThe threat this activity aims to protect us from, they say, is this: A terrorist, fanatic, or violent person of some sort wants to set off a bomb or bombs in Boston, to kill people or disrupt the city or both, and … [Read more...]
A Missed Opportunity To Solve America’s Nuclear Reactor Security Problems
(cross-posted at The Hill's Congress Blog)It is disappointing that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission missed this opportunity to help solve America's nuclear reactor security problem. These new regulations, initiated by a section of … [Read more...]