The Bay State is losing a House seat, and unless one of your colleagues steps aside or moves to the Other Chamber, you will and the rest of the delegation will be playing musical chairs. So, you can sit out this special election--and watch … [Read more...] Senate Seat survey draws 17,000 posed a survey question this afternoon that drew over 15,000 votes related to filling the US Senate seat. (The site electronically restricts votes to one per person) of 7 PM, the results were: Who should take the US Senate … [Read more...]
Kerry Says He Won’t Take Job In Obama Administration!
The fleeting Senate race debate between John Kerry and Edward O'Reilly did produce one bit of news. Kerry said he would be serving out his full term if re-elected...therefore, no Obama Adm. job... He didn't want to answer the question … [Read more...]
John Kerry still ignoring months of calling for forums and debates! Only 5 weeks left.
The Senate adjourned last Friday, August 1st, and has the rest of August off. With just 5 weeks left before the September 16th primary (excluding the Convention week) against Ed O'Reilly, Kerry has yet to agree to any town hall style … [Read more...]
People Powered Forums: Senate Edition (Let’s make it happen!; Questions you’ll ask?)
If you want to see People Powered Forums this August rather than just old style debates, here's your chance! With less than 8 weeks to go till the September 16th vote between John Kerry and Ed O'Reilly there really needs to be some … [Read more...]