Weatherization Barnraising Saturday, April 10th 12:30-5:00 p.m. Cambridge YWCA Emergency Family Shelter 3 Bigelow Street, Cambridge Pitch in to help 10 homeless families who live at the shelter Lower vast energy bills for the shelter so it … [Read more...]
Put price tags on Health Care – simple, but great.
Now it just so happens that Kagen - who is also a Doctor - will be in Massachusetts this month and there is an event at The Precinct Bar and Restaurant in Somerville's Union Square for him. It's on Sunday, March 21st from 6 - 8 and … [Read more...]
Weatherization Party
Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative in NH has done 115 solar installations in the last few years. Seacoast Area Renewable Energy Initiative in the Piscataqua region on Maine and NH has begun doing solar barnraisings. Coop Power in … [Read more...]
Energy Events
MIT Monday, January 11, 2010 Mass Energy Trek Time: 8:00a-5:00p Location: Meet in E51 Tang Lobby at 8am Mass Energy Trek is a three-day trek in the second week of January during IAP. It's is the Energy component of MIT Tech Treks organized … [Read more...]
More Green Line extension DEIR goodies
The new STEP comments address station design, sitting, and access; community path integration; the maintenance facility; and regional environmental justice. STEP agrees with MGNA (Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance) on … [Read more...]
Cambridge-Somerville for Change (CSfC) Community Meeting
Cambridge-Somerville for Change, formerly Cambridge-Somerville for Obama, is a community group dedicated to harnessing the grassroots energy inspired by the Obama campaign. Our organizing activities include campaigns, elections, and … [Read more...]
Progressive Democrats of Somerville Meet Tuesday 6/23
Somerville Democrats: Please join us at the next Progressive Democrats of Somerville Meeting! Tuesday, June 23, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Visiting Nurses Association 259 Lowell Street, Community Room (3rd Floor) Topics will include an update from … [Read more...]
Senator Pat Jehlen hosts 9th annual Budget event
The evening started with a presentation by Noah Burger from the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center Noah offers both a look back history on what we have done in the past and how we arrived at this place and time. In … [Read more...]
Progressive Democrats of Somerville Meet tuesday 2/24
The Progressive Democrats of Somerville are meeting this Tuesday. If you live or work in Somerville, come out and see what exciting things PDS is up to this month: * March Candidate and Campaign Training * Somerville' s Response to the … [Read more...]
UPDATE – Buonomo resigns! Middlesex Register of Probate Nominating Caucus
John Walsh notified the members of the State Democratic Committee, officially, that John Buonomo declined his nomination for Register of Probate for Middlesex County - and that the Caucus is necessary [the notice came via e-mail after 6:00 … [Read more...]