Sometimes I feel the substantive issues surrounding same-sex marriage have been duly hashed out, and there's really no point in addressing any of them anymore. But I feel like this deserves a response. The local Catholic bishops are telling … [Read more...]
Keller talks to Rep. Donato tonight
I won't catch it tonight, but maybe I can catch it on the web tomorrow. Anyway, I'm not expecting Donato to announce a great change in the course of the interview -- although that would certainly be welcome. … [Read more...]
72 Hours to ConCon
... and on this day, T-minus three days, we find my rep Paul Donato still leaving the door open -- literally:Few of those who have been targeted would discuss their decision on the record or confirm that they are considering changing their … [Read more...]
96 Hours to ConCon
Needless to say, if you haven't contacted your legislators -- especially this group -- to tell them to keep the status quo, to defend families, to prize equality, now is the time. The State House number is 617-722-2000. Be polite, be brief, … [Read more...]
My letter to Rep. Donato
He'll get the hard copy tomorrow:Rep. Paul DonatoRoom 185 State House Boston, MA 02133Dear Rep. Donato,Today marks three years of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. And on June 14, you'll be asked to vote yes or no on a proposed … [Read more...]
Happy Marriage Day!
It's been three years of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Congrats to all those couples who have gotten married since then.I was at Cambridge City Hall at midnight on May 17, 2004 -- it was pretty much a circus. Marriage itself, of … [Read more...]
MassEquality’s nifty map
More fabulous Flash, this time from MassEquality: Find out if your Rep or Senator supports marriage equality or not, by going here and clicking on the appropriate map.Sadly, my rep, Paul Donato, voted "yes" to advance the amendment. That's … [Read more...]
ConCon: Time for Hearings Before Voting?
A second important aspect of hearings on the proposed amendment would be to invite people from other states to testify about the presumed equality of civil unions. As we now know from New Jersey, Connecticut, and Vermont, Civil Unions … [Read more...]
ConCon: Are we at endgame?
Mike's got a preview of the ConCon festivities set for June 14. The wheeling and dealing doubtless have already begun, though I have to doubt the stories of Patrick's administration offering jobs-for-marriage-equality. That sounds goofy, it … [Read more...]
Dead law walking: 1913
Decrying its "smelly origins", Gov. Patrick says he'd repeal the 1913 law forbidding marriages to be performed for out-of-staters whose marriages wouldn't be legal in their home state. IOW, marriage is marriage.Sal DiMasi says yep.Terry … [Read more...]