This issue of tactic not strategy is the one thing all those Democrats are falling over themselves to not understand. The strategy is to use the money of extremely wealthy Republicans, T. Boone Pickens, Bob Perry, men who … [Read more...]
Patriot Ledger still Swift Boating Kerry
This is my first post at BMG, so I haven't earned street creds yet, but the latest (Tuesday's)Quincy Patriot Ledger story and my subsenquent WTF moment definitely warrant a post. On Monday the Ledger had an interview with Sen. Kerry, but … [Read more...]
Did Deval Patrick Quit Coca-Cola or was He Pushed Out?
Finished reading? Good. I'm not the researcher that David is, but in trying to find out more about this issue I did poke around Google, which is apparently more than Boston Globe reporter Frank Phillips did. From an … [Read more...]