A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. -- EmersonNo hobgoblins here, folks -- it ain't Halloween yet.Patrick's campaign has done its homework, and bashes back at Reilly's press release from earlier today with their own oppo … [Read more...]
“Sound, sane”
Related to the issue of taxation: Although he probably didn't write the glowing headline, Herald business columnist Brett Arends seems to like what he sees of Patrick's approach to growing the economy, but sees the inherent political … [Read more...]
Reilly bashes Patrick on taxes
Another GLORIOUS ALLCAPSACOLOR press release from Tom Reilly, bashing Patrick on taxes. If you didn't see this one coming, I don't know what you expected -- not that a bit of contrast isn't well within bounds. And if Patrick gets through … [Read more...]
Playing politics with illness and care
Feel free to contact me ann@defendhealth.org to verfiy first-hand what my family went thru fighting to access needed care for my sister's health care needs after she developed the bio-chemical brain disease called schizophrenia. We … [Read more...]
If wishes were trains
... then Eileen McNamara would ride. Gosh, I wish, I wish I could share her optimism that public transit will seem more attractive in light of recent events:Skyrocketing gas prices and the collapse of ceiling panels in the Interstate 90 … [Read more...]
The last resort: Doing it right
So we've been talking a lot about taxes, politics, and public investment here. It might be interesting to bring up the case of Mark Warner, former Dem governor of Virginia who pushed through a tax increase to invest in public … [Read more...]
Hey, Jimbob, I’m not holding my breath either
Our already sky-high and ever-escalating costs and state spending on healthcare will increase. Remember, it's us taxpayers who will be the biggest payer for the new "state subsidies" to help limited-income folks buy insurance and it's … [Read more...]
How Deval should say it about taxes
I'm not writing this diary to attack Deval Patrick. Though I don't support him (though I'm not pro-rollback), I'm writing this mainly to look at Deval's answer to the question about rolling taxes back to 5%.I do it because his current … [Read more...]
Too many slackers?
Sixty-four. What a pretty graph! Covering almost two orders of magnitude of state populations from Wyoming's 500k to Califonia's 40M.And for those of you who don't like log-log plots: … [Read more...]
Tom, where’s the $500 mill?
One of Tom Reilly's favorite "moderate" riffs is that if the personal income tax were rolled back to 5.0%, the next governor would still have $500 million to play with. And of course, Healey, Mihos -- and to an even vaguer extent Gabrieli … [Read more...]